Free QR Code Generator

Generate QR Code from URL Links directly

We create your Digital Business Card - Google Reviews Card - Smart Business Card - NFC Card- QR Code - TripAdvisor Card - Hotel Card - Guest Card - Linkbio Online Profile

Convert URL to QR Code

We don't use dynamic qr codes. You will receive  a qr Code with direct link to your target URL.

The QR Code of your website link is automatically generated and sent by email. The targeted content content will never change, as in the case of websites that generate dynamic qr codes.

It has never been this simple before!

QR Code Content like a MIni Website

Share your business profile (mini website) whereever you want!
We have developed a unique mini website editor interface. We provide the server infrastructure, maintenance, and all necessary prerequisites combined with GDPR and data protection policies.
Editing doesn't require IT expertise
- anyone can create it in minutes.
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NFC Digital Business Card

I will be whatever you want!

Every ClickMe Smart Card works as a Digital Business Card in its basic function, so by touching it to a phone, it loads your contact information, which can be saved to the device with just a few clicks.
But that's not all, because you can activate additional features like a mini website function, document sharing, integrate appointment booking, Google reviews, or whatever you desire.
Check ClickMe Smart Card

We create it in your custom design.

NFC Cards for Tripadvisor, Google Reviews and more...

Smart Guest Card

For a better guest experience

Are you a hotel manager, responsible for marketing or guesthouse owner?
The Hotel Smart Card is easy to use and customizable according to the accommodation's specific needs and style. Smart profiles can be easily updated. From the guest's perspective, all they need is a smartphone to scan the data using NFC chips or QR codes.
Check Smart Guest Card

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We speak: English, German and Hungarian!
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NFC Card Software - Digital Business Card - Smart Card - Guest Card - Google Review Card - Tripadvisor Review Card - Smart QR Code
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